【同义词辨析】 2017-12-07 暗示suggest-insinuate

suggest: stress put into the mind by an association of ideas, an awakening of desire, initiation of a train of thought: an actress who can ~ a whole character with one gesture.

imply: is close to suggest but may indicate a more definite and logical relationship between the expressed idea to the unexpressed: pronouncement that ~ he has lost touch with reality.

hint: imply the use of remote and slight suggestion with minimum of overt expression: ~ he was ready for a job line-up.     line-up一组人或事物、阵容a group of people or a series of things       

intimate: stresses delicacy of suggestion without lack of ardor: ~ that she was ready to pop up questions.

insinuate: applies to conveying of usually unpleasant idea in a sly, underhanded way: ~ that the neighbors were not what they appeared to be.

suggest暗示提示: 使人意识到愿望和思考、联系,最基本,imply指示: 更清晰连贯,hint: 轻微不明显的,intimate: 微妙不失诚挚,insinuate暗示: 隐晦表达负面东西

记忆方法: 1)首字母SIHII重组成HIS II他的两个<==暗示

          2)暗示的意思是间接表示想法mean to convey an idea indirectly.            本组先解释了suggest和imply,随后用两个词解释下一个词hint